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RECOVERY2024.CZ Čtyři roky po První české mezinárodní konferenci o recovery vás srdečně zveme na její druhý ročník. Konference se bude konat od úterního podvečera 11. února do středečního podvečera 12. února v prostorách DEPO2015 v Plzni

We invite you to the 3rd international conference on recovery!
It will take place on 12th and 13th November 2024 in Pilsen, CZ.

Four years after the Second Czech International Conference on Recovery and eight years after the very first conference, we cordially invite you to its third edition. The conference will take place from Tuesday afternoon, November 12th, to Wednesday evening, November 13th, 2024, at the Parkhotel Congress Center Plzeň. Pre-conference workshops will take place on the morning of 12th November.

The conference was held under the auspices of Rudolf Špoták, Governor of the Pilsen Region and member of the National Council for Mental Health and Prof. Jan Vevera, Head of the Psychiatric Clinic of the University Hospital Pilsen.

Recovery as " way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life even with limitations caused by illness. " (Anthony, 1993) is increasingly talked about in the mental health care systems all over Europe. However, what exactly needs to be done that as many people as possible also experience recovery often remains unclear.

As in 2020, the conference theme is the relationship between recovery and language, the relationship between recovery and the institution, and this year we are also adding the theme of recovery and spirituality. The conference is international, with a number of professionals from abroad attending. After eight years, Mark Ragins (LA, USA) will participate again.

Papers will be in Czech or English, interpretation will be available. The programme of lectures, workshops and accompanying activities will be continuously updated in the Programme section of the conference. News about the conference can also be found on Facebook.

Registration is required to attend the conference.

We are looking forward to see you in Pilsen!